Fast-forward biological drug trials with CliniExperts

The New Drugs & Clinical Trial Rules, 2019 establishes the procedure for Clinical Trial of Biologicals including a vaccine, recombinant Deoxyribonucleic Acid (r-DNA) derived product, stem cell derived product, gene therapeutic product intended to be used as drug and are considered as biologicals. CliniExperts can assist

Classification of Biologicals

Biologicals are considered as new drugs, and thus, clinical trials are mandatory to launch them. These include:

Clinical trial review process for Biologicals/similar biologicals products in India

Biologicals must be validated by detailed clinical trials that prove their safety and efficacy in treating the indicated disease.

CDSCO regulates the manufacture and import of biologicals in India.

The organization is responsible for:

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Approving clinical trials
Import Bio
Granting permission to import biologicals for local trials
Export Bio
Authorizing firms to export biologicals for biochemical and immunological analysis

For conducting human clinical trials, approval from the Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM) is required.

After getting approval from the above competent authority, the application is made to CDSCO for clinical trial and/or marketing of biological/biosimilar products in India.

Clinical Trial Steps

The clinical procedures for regulating biologics and biosimilars can be exhausting.

With over a decade of experience in the clinical space, CliniExperts has all you need to ease things by taking care of all the regulatory matters and trial procedures for you.

A clinical trial application for biologics or similar biologics is submitted using Form CT-04 along with fees for various phases of clinical trial. The CDSCO then has 90 calendar days to evaluate a biological application if it is being developed outside India and 30 days if it is discovered, researched, and manufactured in India. If the CDSCO does not respond, in this time frame, permission is automatically granted. CDSCO, with the approval from the Central Government, can also waive the requirement for a local trial if the biological has already been approved outside India in certain countries as per periodic order released.

The CDSCO’s review and approval process is a three-tiered system.

Bio Step 1
Bio Step 2
Bio Step 3
Bio Step 4

Evaluation of clinical trial applications and new drugs

Review of SEC’s/IND’s recommendations

Final review and approval Final review and approval

Bio Step 2_2

Evaluation of clinical trial applications and new drugs

Review of SEC’s/IND’s recommendations

Bio Step 2_1

Final review and approval Final review and approval

Bio Step 1

Evaluation of clinical trial applications and new drugs

Bio Step 2

Attend an in-person meeting with SEC at CDSCO

Bio Step 3

Final review and approval Final review and approval

Bio Step 4

Frequently Asked Questions

In which cases the extrapolation of the safety and efficacy data of a particular clinical indication (for which clinical studies has been done) of a similar biologic to other clinical indications may be possible?

The extrapolation of the safety and efficacy data of a particular clinical indication (for which clinical studies has been done) of a similar biologic to other clinical indications may be possible if following conditions are met: Similarity with respect to quality has been proven to reference biologic Similarity with respect to preclinical assessment has been proven to reference biologic Clinical safety and efficacy is proven in one indication Mechanism of action is same for other clinical indications Involved receptor(s) are same for other clinical indications New indication not mentioned by innovator will be covered by a separate application.

The permission to initiate clinical trial granted in Form CT-06 or automatic approval in Form CT 4A shall remain valid for a period of 2 years from the date of its issue, unless extended by the CLA.

Yes. Before enrolment of first participant in any clinical trial, registration in CTRI is mandatory.

The three tier mechanism comprises the following authorities: 1. Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBSC) at the Institute/ company – To ensure biosafety on-site . 2. Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM) in the Department of Biotechnology - Managed genetically engineered cell banks. 3. Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) in the Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoE&F)- for genetically modified organisms/ living modified organisms.