Deep insight to clinical trials for the Indian market

An initiative of CliniExperts brings clinical trial services in India for local and global clinical trials

Our clinical trial solutions are designed to address your specific needs and deliver a smooth development pathway

Expert Clinical Research Services For Product Lines

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Clinical Trial Management Services

Efficiently launch your product with our customised services

At CliniExperts Research Services, we focus on conducting high-quality trials in line with ethical and regulatory compliance. We aim to be your go-to Clinical Research Organization (CRO) by offering:

Whether you are a large corporate or an up-coming startup, our clinical trial solutions are designed to address your specific needs and deliver a smooth development pathway.

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Therapeutics, Diagnostics & Wellness

Test products across diverse domains

Our subject-matter experts guide you through each step of your product's launch so you don't have to worry about the hassle of regulatory approvals. Our range of services spans the following categories of products



Our success stories to tell

Approval For 15+ FDCs
Approval For 6 months
Gastroenterology Gynaecology and Respiratory

FDCs must be based on convincing therapeutic rationalization and be carefully justified and clinically relevant. We helped our sponsor to prove the therapeutic rationale for various FDCs by conducting PIV clinical trials in India for gastroenterology, Gynaecology and Respiratory therapeutic areas

Approval For 2 Drugs

PMS/PSUR being conditioned for Market Authorization and licensing in India. The PSURs are to be submitted every six months for the first two years of the approval and for subsequent two years annually. We have conducted/conducting PMS studies for our sponsor as per “New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rule, 2019”. This has helped the sponsor to meet the prerequisites as per the regulations

Approval For 4 SNDs

To claim marketed drugs with modified or new claims including indication, route of administration, dosage and dosage form. A subsequent new drug (SNDs) approval required from CDSCO. Here, CliniExperts supported our client to conduct PIII, PIV and PMS studies as per CDSCO guidelines

Approval For 3 Drugs
Gynaecology Dermatology and Respiratory

Clinical trials for phytopharmaceutical drugs to be conducted as per applicable Rules and guidelines for new drugs. CliniExperts Research conducted three PIII clinical trials for three therapeutic conditions in India

Approval For 4 FDCs
GastroenterologyGynaecology Dermatology and Respiratory

CliniExperts has helped in conducting PII, PIII and PIV clinical trial in diversified therapeutic categories like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Recurrent ascites with liver cirrhosis, Premenstrual Syndrome, Primary Dysmenorrhea and Alopecia Areata in children and adolescents

Approval For 1 Supplement

Most of the patients in intensive care unit (ICU) with impaired oral food consumption, present nutritional challenges which needs to be compensated using enteral tube feeding (ETF). We have successfully conducted safety and tolerance of nutritional supplements via tube feeding in hospitalized patients

Approval For 1 Supplement

Functional food supplements has grown exponentially in India and to prove their claims, feasibility and safety evaluation studies are required. CliniExperts Research has conducted various studies to prove their claims like Glycaemic Index evaluation of product on Diabetic and Pre-diabetic population and many more

Driving Clinical Excellence: Unveiling CliniExperts' Expertise

A seamless blend of scientific expertise, operational efficiency, and unparalleled client support

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Medical Devices
Best Practices for Designing Medical Device Clinical Investigations
Best Practices for Designing Medical Device Clinical Investigations What is a clinical investigation of medical devices? Devices, much like pharmaceuticals, must go through extensive testing processes before gaining approval for use on patients. However, Medical Device Clinical Investigations tend to be more manageable and involve fewer stages compared to pharmaceutical trials. Clinical investigation concerning medical
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Medical Devices
The Drug Development Process – From Conception to Market · Cliniexperts
The Drug Development Process –From Conception to Market Drug development encompasses the entire process of bringing a new drug to market. The drug discovery journey starts with the identification of a disease or disease area with an unmet medical need and ends with regulatory submissions and market launch. This article explores the process of drug
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Medical Devices
Effective Site Management in Clinical Research – Points to Consider · Cliniexperts
Effective Site Management in Clinical Research – Points to Consider Clinical trials are essential to deliver new therapies and advance medical knowledge and patient care. A key aspect of a successful clinical trial is the efficient management of clinical sites. Site management in clinical research Efficient site management is essential to ensure that the clinical
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Online submission of SAE reports through SUGAM portal · Cliniexperts
Online submission of SAE reports through SUGAM portal The New drugs and clinical trials rules, 2019, requires that the investigator, sponsor / CT-NOC holder and ethics committee report all serious adverse events (SAE’s) to the Central Licensing Authority (CLA) within a specified time-frame. CDSCO, through the SUGAM portal, started the process of electronic submissions of

Certifications and Accreditations

With these certifications, we demonstrate our dedication to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction.

ISO 9001

ISO 9001

ISO 27001

ISO 27001

*All the above fields are mandatory
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