Clinical Trials | What are Clinical Trial Phases?What are Clinical Trial Phases? Introduction Clinical trials are conducted in four or more different phases to evaluate an investigational new drug (IND) and its effect on human health. Through these phases, the drug is discovered, the disease needing treatment is identified, and finally, the drug is submitted for regulatory approvals and launched for sale Phase 1 TrialPhase 2 TrialPhase 3 TrialPhase 4 Trial (PMS)
Biologicals | Diagnostic Kits | Drug | Medical Devices | The Drug Development Process – From Conception to Market · CliniexpertsThe Drug Development Process –From Conception to Market Drug development encompasses the entire process of bringing a new drug to market. The drug discovery journey starts with the identification of a disease or disease area with an unmet medical need and ends with regulatory submissions and market launch. This article explores the process of drug Phase 1 TrialPhase 2 TrialPhase 3 TrialPhase 4 Trial (PMS)Drug - SND
Biologicals | Consumer Claims | Diagnostic Kits | Drug | Medical Devices | Conducting clinical trial during COVID-19 · CliniexpertsConducting Clinical Trial during COVID-19 COVID-19 has caused a massive shift in how we manage clinical trials. Due to inadequate resources and restrictions placed due to the pandemic, companies are struggling to maintain the safety of study participants and staff while ensuring the continuity of ongoing trials. The pandemic also paved the way for new FDCSNDDrug - SNDDrug-FDCDrug-IND
Biologicals | Diagnostic Kits | Drug | Medical Devices | Online submission of SAE reports through SUGAM portal · CliniexpertsOnline submission of SAE reports through SUGAM portal The New drugs and clinical trials rules, 2019, requires that the investigator, sponsor / CT-NOC holder and ethics committee report all serious adverse events (SAE’s) to the Central Licensing Authority (CLA) within a specified time-frame. CDSCO, through the SUGAM portal, started the process of electronic submissions of BiologicalsDiagnostic KitsDrugMedical DevicesPhase 4 Trial (PMS)
Biologicals | Drug | GSR Notification #227: Paving the Way to Clinical Research in India (Part II) · CliniexpertsThe application for permission to conduct clinical research India of a new drug or investigational new drug has to be made in Form CT-04 in place of Form 44. The following are the new provisions to be followed during clinical trials’ conduction in India. Clinical Trials Enrolment Status The clinical trial enrolment status of the FDCSNDCTRIEthics CommitteeFDC
Biologicals | Human Vaccines – Vaccines Developmental Paradigm India · CliniexpertsVaccines are one of the most beneficial and valuable disease prevention measures contributing to long-term health gains. Advancements in research have led to the development of novel vaccines and delivery technologies and this is has caused a paradigm shift in the way diseases are prevented and treated. Even though the field of vaccines have evolved Blood productsStem cells and cell-based productsBlood productsCTRIEthics Committee
Biologicals | Drug | Medical Devices | Periodic Safety Update Report (PSUR Consideration) · CliniexpertsPeriodic safety update reports (PSUR Consideration) are pharmacovigilance documents that allow a periodic but comprehensive assessment of the risk-benefit balance of a medicinal product after it is marketed. The main purpose of the PSUR is to identify new or emerging safety information, as a means of determining changes in the benefit-risk profile of the authorised Phase 4 Trial (PMS)