Diagnostic Kits | Ensuring Success in Clinical Performance Evaluation for IVDs: Strategies for SponsorsEnsuring Success in Clinical Performance Evaluation for IVDs: Strategies for Sponsors Summary In healthcare, in vitro diagnostics (IVDs) play a vital role in diagnosing diseases and monitoring treatment effectiveness. However, before these crucial diagnostics can reach patients and healthcare providers, they must undergo clinical performance evaluation to ensure their safety and efficacy. The regulatory process Clinical PerformanceClinical performance evaluation
Diagnostic Kits | Understanding the Importance of Clinical Performance Evaluation for IVDS: Meeting Regulatory ExpectationsUnderstanding the Importance of Clinical Performance Evaluation for IVDS: Meeting Regulatory Expectations Summary In vitro diagnostics (IVD) are tests that are carried out outside the human body to diagnose a wide range of illnesses and monitor various medical conditions. Importance of Clinical Performance Evaluation (CPE) for IVDS is essential for ensuring the accuracy and reliability Clinical performance evaluation
Biologicals | Diagnostic Kits | Drug | Medical Devices | The Drug Development Process – From Conception to Market · CliniexpertsThe Drug Development Process –From Conception to Market Drug development encompasses the entire process of bringing a new drug to market. The drug discovery journey starts with the identification of a disease or disease area with an unmet medical need and ends with regulatory submissions and market launch. This article explores the process of drug Phase 1 TrialPhase 2 TrialPhase 3 TrialPhase 4 Trial (PMS)Drug - SND
Biologicals | Consumer Claims | Diagnostic Kits | Drug | Medical Devices | Effective Site Management in Clinical Research – Points to Consider · CliniexpertsEffective Site Management in Clinical Research – Points to Consider Clinical trials are essential to deliver new therapies and advance medical knowledge and patient care. A key aspect of a successful clinical trial is the efficient management of clinical sites. Site management in clinical research Efficient site management is essential to ensure that the clinical Global Clinical TrialLocal Clinical TrialSite ManagementSite Management
Biologicals | Consumer Claims | Diagnostic Kits | Drug | Medical Devices | Conducting clinical trial during COVID-19 · CliniexpertsConducting Clinical Trial during COVID-19 COVID-19 has caused a massive shift in how we manage clinical trials. Due to inadequate resources and restrictions placed due to the pandemic, companies are struggling to maintain the safety of study participants and staff while ensuring the continuity of ongoing trials. The pandemic also paved the way for new FDCSNDDrug - SNDDrug-FDCDrug-IND
Biologicals | Diagnostic Kits | Drug | Medical Devices | Online submission of SAE reports through SUGAM portal · CliniexpertsOnline submission of SAE reports through SUGAM portal The New drugs and clinical trials rules, 2019, requires that the investigator, sponsor / CT-NOC holder and ethics committee report all serious adverse events (SAE’s) to the Central Licensing Authority (CLA) within a specified time-frame. CDSCO, through the SUGAM portal, started the process of electronic submissions of BiologicalsDiagnostic KitsDrugMedical DevicesPhase 4 Trial (PMS)